Our design for the Swedish Pink Ribbon 2015 features a big circle with a little circle in the middle – maybe the oldest and most recognizable symbol for life and femininity? A simple geometry understood by everyone irrespective of language or culture. Everyday, 20 women in Sweden are diagnosed with breast cancer. There is room for roughly the same number of big circles with little circles on them on our Pink Ribbon. A simple pattern and a reminder of why we must continue fight this disease.
The Swedish Cancer Society’s Pink Ribbon campaign fights cancer through financing research, spreading information about cancer prevention and breast cancer, as well as lobby work. The campaign ran during 1-31 October. Since its start in 2003, The Cancer Fund – together with members of the public, businesses and associations – has received almost 515 million SEK in donations. During the same period, The Cancer Fund has donated 574 million SEK to breast cancer related research.